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-  About Food -

We have been living in an era where food is celebrated in a much broader sense than ever before. Food and cooking are considered as a form of art, hobby, comfort, entertainment and even a destination. 

The pleasure a delicious meal brings, nourishes our soul, seducing our senses to want more. And whilst there are no limits to experimenting with mixing and blending the ingredients or different cuisines in order to create the most enticing flavours, we've lost interest and slowly forgot about the most basic and important aspect of food as our fuel and medicine.

The focus of eating a meal has shifted from what our body needs, to what our body craves. Unfortunately most of us are unfamiliar with reading these cravings correctly, not understanding what our body is asking for and consequently choose foods that make these cravings increase.

In addition we tend to choose the pleasure of eating over its nutritional contribution and more importantly we ignore the signs when we consume foods that don't align with our bodies needs and trigger all sorts of digestive discomfort and ailment, as long as we enjoy the meal.

In recent years conscious eating has brought on another wave of eating trends - 'from patch to plate'.

Even though the focus is now shifting to eating natural and unprocessed foods, many of us turn to clean and simple eating when our body simply can't continue digesting our favourite meals due to chronic discomfort and illnesses such as IBS, Leaky Gut Syndrome or other more serious illnesses.

NURISH was established in 2013 in collaboration with Margherita Officer, Naturopath at Natural Health Medicine in Payneham South Australia, with the aim to create a simple, clean, yet delicious recipe for patients suffering from digestive issues.

Together we are aiming to provide meals/snacks that are gentle on the digestive system and pleasant on the palate!

Going back to basics and focussing on food preparation from a medicinal point of view, we need to consider how the ingredients of our choice react with one another when consumed simultaneously. Furthermore the knowledge about how certain foods/ingredients should be prepared in order to extract the most nutritional as well as digestive benefits is the key to give our body the fuel it needs to thrive and feel good, both in our skin as well as our mind.

Soaking legumes before cooking is a rule applied by most 'foodies', shortening the cooking time, making the legumes softer in texture and decreasing digestive discomfort such as bloating and excessive gas. This process also applies for nuts and seeds with a brown skin such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds etc. Unfortunately activating nuts and seeds are not commonly practiced.  ​

Depending on individual digestive sensitivity, eating raw nuts and seeds can put pressure on the digestive system, that's why activating them is the key as it triggers the germination process, resulting in the break down of two components, which contribute to uncomfortable digestive symptoms:

  • Phytic acid  - A unique natural substance stores important nutrients in a seed/nut and protects it from premature sprouting. This storage form of phosphorus can not be digested by humans, furthermore it prevents the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium and can cause mineral deficiencies. 

  • Enzyme inhibitors -  More damaging component in nuts, restricting the activity of the essential digestive enzymes. Activation stimulates enzymatic activity within nuts and seeds, increasing the overall nutritional value as vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids become available for digestion and absorption.

Nurish offers you two products; Activated Granola and Activated Nut Mix, which are made with activated nuts, seeds and other delicious and nourishing ingredients.

Believing in clean eating, our products are free of additives, flavours, sugars, gluten and dairy. 

-  Activated Nuts & Seeds -
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