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- Nurish Activated Nut Mix -
A Delicious Savoury Snack With Super Foods
What makes Nurish Activated Nut Mix Stand out?

Aside from all the benefits activated almonds, cashews, walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, this special blend is created in collaboration with Margherita, Naturopath at Natural Health Medicine, with the aim to produce a savoury snack that will pacify your craving for something salty! Nurish Activated Nut Mix is enriched with superfoods such as barberries, activated organic turmeric, organic Celtic sea salt, organic Cayenne and black pepper and finished off with organic Camu Camu to entice your pallet with a balanced combination of salty, spicy and tangy flavours.


Nurish Activated Nut Mix can be enjoyed as a delicious and nutritious snack on its own, as an addition to your platters or as a topping on your salads.


  • Nurish Activated Nut Mix is made with activated ingredients to promote digestion and to allow the body to get the most out of the nutrients. As a result even those of us with sensitive digestive systems can enjoy Nurish granola. 

  • It's high in proteins and good fats, but low in sugar and carbohydrates.

  • It's wholesome without any additives such as sugar, artificial colours/flavours or preservatives that enhance flavour, appearance or shelf life.

  • It's handmade with quality ingredients, ethically sourced, 50% organic and 45% Australian grown.

Healthy fats

Nuts, seeds and coconut offer an abundance of good fats. Nurish granola is the perfect vegan source of  these saturated fats, which are critical for healthy brain and nervous system function and metabolism.  


Barberries are highly nutritious. They are rich in carbs, fiber, and several vitamins and minerals. In addition, barberries contain zinc, manganese, and copper, all of which are trace minerals that play significant roles in immunity and disease prevention. The bright red colour of the berries comes from anthocyanin, which are plant pigments that may boost your brain and heart health, among other benefits.

Also, berberine may help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, slow the progression of certain cancer cells, fight infections, and have anti-inflammatory effects 

What’s more, barberries contain other compounds that may have health benefits, such as other alkaloids and organic acids.

Camu Camu


Camu camu, or Myrciaria dubia, is a sour berry, similar to cherry in colour, and is considered a superfood, mainly due to a high content of certain nutrients and powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. 

Camu camu has impressive antioxidant capacities, as it’s loaded with vitamin C along with many other potent compounds like flavonoid antioxidants, including anthocyanin and elegiac acid. It also can contribute to improved blood sugar levels and healthier blood pressure.



Many high-quality studies show that turmeric has major benefits for your body and brain. Many of these benefits come from its main active ingredient, curcumin. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. Various health benefits include:

  • natural anti-inflammatory compound

  • increases the antioxidant capacity of the body

  • can boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor

  • may lower your risk of heart disease

  • may help prevent cancer

  • may help delay aging and fight age-related chronic diseases

  • has benefits against depression

Cayenne Pepper


Cayenne peppers and other types of hot peppers are a concentrated source of many nutrients, especially rich in provitamin A carotenoids and vitamin C. Furthermore cayenne pepper offers positive effect on the digestive system, helps relieve migraine pain, provides detox support , contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body.

Black Pepper


Compounds in black pepper, especially its active ingredient piperine, may protect against cell damage, improve nutrient absorption, aid digestive issues, and act as an antioxidant in your body. Consuming black pepper may stimulate the release of enzymes in the pancreas and intestines that help digest fat and carbs.It may also boost brain function and increase levels of good cholesterol.

Celtic Sea Salt


Sodium is a necessary mineral involved in body processes like muscle contractions, nerve impulses and regulating fluids.

Celtic Sea Salt vs. Himalayan Salt:

  • Celtic sea salt is harvested by evaporating seawater. It is often darker because it contains trace minerals.

  • While Himalayan salt contains more potassium, Celtic sea salt has less sodium, more calcium and magnesium.

  • Himalayan salt is usually more finely ground, while Celtic sea salt is often kept in larger grains, in order to retain flavour and cut down on moisture release.

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